Monday, November 10, 2008

Definition Please - "Civil Rights"

The most offensive thing that I keep hearing lately is the equating of the gay rights issue to the civil rights of African Americans. While I understand the harsh consequences of choosing to live a gay lifestyle, I can't with a clear conscience say its the same as being born with skin of color. It's quite obvious when I walk in a room that I am of color. How do I know who a person slept with last night? Is it my business? If God united man and woman and condemn all else, who are we to change the rules. I don't think He appreciates that. The objective of Christianity against gay marriage is not lessen anyone, but protect what God has ordained according to His Word. He loves all and condemns all. He also forgives and allows for repentance. The choice to live a gay lifestyle is choice that some have made with harsh consequences. These consequences are undeserved as a person. We should treat people with love according God's Word. We cannot base legislation on that which God condemns, but live according to the love that God commands.

Sorry, this issue is separate and not equal.... not sorry, just saying it like it is.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

New Prez... Now what ???

We were so stirred by the idea of change. This speaks to the fact that we know that we are on the wrong path in so many areas. Whether its economically, socially, or otherwise, most people understand that there is a greater calling to the U.S. The question that I have is CHANGE WHAT??? The greater change must be individually in order that the whole might reap the affects. In other words, those fruits of the Spirit as outlined in Galations 5:22 must be that catalyst for change. The fruit must sprout from those connected to the vine from which the fruit comes. Those with true understanding of God, His Will, and His Purpose. God expresses Himself through His Word, His Christ, and His Spirit. It disagrees with the value system of this age, and presents the comformity and changes necessary for the U.S. to be great. Love and service are key elements in measuring greatness.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Governments upon His shoulder

The sovereignty of God is expressed in so many ways. He chooses leaders and then leads them. What a wonderful God! May God bless our country and allow the salves of healing that should flow through the crevices of our society that new seats at the table of justice be filled by all who come. God Bless Barak Obama!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Who Knew?

Purpose...Did you worship with purpose yesterday? Who knew?
Preacher...Did you preach with purpose yesterday? Who knew?
Choir...Did you sign with purpose yesterday? Who knew?
Musician...Did you play with purpose yesterday? Who knew?
Teachers...Did you teach with purpose yesterday? Who knew?

If they knew yesterday, do they know today? If we are doing all to the purpose and glory of God and with the knowledge, wisdom, and wherewithal that God has given, I believe that there will be impact in our churches. Understandably there are barriers, but pray that they be addressed. Then preach, teach, worship, sing, play as if someone's life dependent upon it!!! It might. It does. It is time out for half-hearted service. Be a catalyst for real service that God seeks.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Who is Qualified?

Honestly, I can't with a clear Christian conscience say I agree with any Presidential candidate completely. I honestly think it is quite small minded to paint yourself into a corner that labels yourself as anything but an independent thinker. So no, I'm not democrat, republican, independent, or forbid green party. However, there are some things that cannot be ignored. I admire that lack of personal attacks into the personal life of McCain and Palin by the Obama campaign. There are so many skeletons that have not been displayed. I mean who lives within the blocks around McCain's 8 houses? Who all has he serve with over his 90 years(+ or - 3%)? I think the true merits or lack of are showing well enough. Case and point below.